नई दिल्ली। देश के जाने माने वकील व प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी को देश का प्रधानमंत्री बनाने की वकालत करने वालों मे शुमार और भाजपा से निष्कासित सांसद राम जेठमलानी का भी प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी से मोहभंग हो गया है। उन्होंने इस बात की घोषणा खुद प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी को चिटठी लिखकर कर की है। मजे की बात है कि उनका मोह भंग काले धन पर मोदी सरकार के रवैये से शुरू हुआ और आज देश के नए सीवीसी के वी चौधरी के नियुक्ति पर चरम पर पहुंच गया । उन्होंने एलान भी कर दिया कि वो नए सीवीसी की नियुक्ति को सुप्रीम कोर्ट में चुनौती दे देंगे ।उन्होंने मोदी को लिखी चिटठी में कहा कि उनकी उनके प्रति घटती इज्जत आज समाप्त हो गई है।
यहां पढ़े राम जेठमलानी की मोदी को लिखी चिटठी-:
इससे पहले वरिष्ठ वकील प्रशांत भूषण के वी चौधरी की निष्ठाओं को लेकर सवाल उठा चुके है। उन्होंने क्या लिखा था वो भी यहां पढ़े-:
It is learnt that the Prime Minister, Home Minister and Leader of the Congress party, met yesterday and have recommended the name of the former chairperson of the CBDT Mr. K V Choudhry as the Central Vigilance Commissioner (CVC).
After learning that the Government was wanting to appoint Mr. K V Choudhary as the CVC, on 20th May 2015, I had written a letter (enclosed) to the Prime Minister, Home Minister and Finance Minister asking them to publicly disclose the names of the shorlisted persons and asking them not to appoint Mr. Choudhry, giving specific reasons why is he not fit for this important position.
I had stated the following facts in my letter to Prime Minister about Mr. Choudhary that render him unsuitable for this important position.
1. Mr. Choudhry’s name figures four times in the list of persons who visited former CBI Director Mr. Ranjit Sinha at his official residence. The Supreme Court on 14.05.2015 has said that Mr. Sinha’s meetings and the impact of those meetings on cases being dealt by the CBI, needs to be investigated.
2. During the tenure of former CBI Director Mr. Ranjit Sinha, Choudhry’s role was investigated by the CBI in ‘stock guru’ scam.
3. Also, Mr. Choudhry, who was chairman and member (investigation) of income tax, was apparently investigating hawala dealer Mr. Moin Qureshi who repeatedly visited Mr. Sinha.
4. Mr. Choudhry was the then DGIT, Delhi when the Radia tapes were intercepted and did not take any action on evidence available with him. It was the supreme court which had to intervene and order the CBI to investigate.
5. As in charge of 2G scam investigation in income tax, Mr. Choudhry failed to make any headway in the case, unlike the other agencies like the CBI or the ED.
6. Mr. Choudhry was also in-charge of investigating HSBC account holders for almost three years. Until Supreme Court appointed the SIT, there were almost no progress in the income tax investigation under Mr. Choudhary. At the time SIT was formed, income tax department had not filed even a single prosecution case against HSBC account holders.
7. Serious adverse remarks have been made in Mr. Choudhry’s performance appraisal reports by three senior officers of CBDT.
8. Mr. Choudhry wrongfully reduced the ‘undeclared wealth’ of M/s Flora and Fauna, a company of Ponty Chadha by over Rs. 200 crores.
One of the HSBC account holders so protected was Ponty Chaddha’s son in law Gurdeep Kochar.
The Central Vigilance Commission, in the absence of the Lokpal, is considered the apex integrity and watchdog institution of the country. Apart from overseeing the vigilance administration, it has also been tasked with superintendence over the CBI in corruption cases and for protection of the whistleblowers.
The Supreme Court on 13th May 2015 had lifted the stay on the appointment of Central Vigilance Commissioner (CVC) and Vigilance Commissioners (VCs), after the Attorney General appearing for the government assured the Court that the government would appoint the best person after following a credible transparent selection process.
The selection of such persons in secrecy and without any transparency by a committee consisting of the Prime Minister, Home Minister and the Leader of largest opposition party shows that there is indeed a bipartisan consensus on corruption and that both the BJP and the Congress want persons of doubtful integrity, who will be weak and pliable and who have shown a willingness to protect powerful persons, to man such watchdog institutions. The time has come for citizens to relaunch the Anti corruption movement.