Online recruitment applications are invited from eligible candidates for the posts of Naib Tehsildar, A Class, Class-II (Gazetted) (on regular basis) in the Department of Revenue, H.P. and Tehsil Welfare Officer, Class-II (Non-Gazetted) (on Contract basis) in the Department of Social Justice & Empowerment, H.P.
Last Date to Apply: 22nd Feb 2018
- Naib Tehsildar, Class-II (Gazetted) (on regular basis): 09 posts (General=08 & OBC=01)
- Tehsil Welfare Officer, Class-II (Non-Gazetted) (on Contract basis): 11 posts (UR=05, UR ExSM=03,
ST=01, OBC =01, and O.H = 01)
How To Apply: For more details and submission of online application form do visit the following link: